Hello, and welcome to today’s presentation on Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care. We will begin by developing an evidence-based care plan for a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis. We will then explain the use of an evidence-based practice model to formulate the care plan. We will then identify the most relevant evidence. Finally, we will identify the merits and techniques of promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.
I will begin by proposing an evidence-based care plan that can be embraced to manage the patient (Caitlynn). This care plan is dependent on various nursing diagnoses for the patient. The first diagnosis is impaired gas exchange. Writing in 2023, Martin reports that this is attributed to airway obstruction and inflammation associated with cystic fibrosis. In this context, the patient has difficulty breathing and presents with decreased breath sounds. Various techniques should be adopted to address impaired gas exchange. Firstly, writing in 2023, Martin reports that adopting a semi-Fowler’s position will facilitate the expansion of the lungs, prevent airway collapse, and avert shortness of breath. Secondly, in 2019, Rey, Bonk, and Hadjiliadis indicated that postural drainage optimizes gas exchange by removing secretions that block airways. Thirdly, oxygen therapy should be adopted. Writing in 2023, Martin reports that oxygen therapy should target a saturation level of at least 90 percent. This is relevant because oxygen therapy minimizes energy expenditure on breathing and prevents dyspnea. Fourthly, Martin (writing in 2023) reports that non-invasive ventilation should be embraced if the patient’s condition worsens.
The second diagnosis is imbalanced nutrition. Rey, Bonk, and Hadjiliadis (writing in 2019) indicated that this is attributed to malabsorption caused by cystic fibrosis. In this scenario, the patient is wasting muscle. To address this problem, concerted efforts should focus on various aspects. To begin with, Turcios (writing in 2020) indicated that fluid and fiber intake should be increased. Writing in 2023, Martin reported that the fiber content should not exceed twenty-five grams daily. Also, protein and calorie consumption should be increased. Furthermore, writing in 2023, Martin reports that a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins should be administered and that pancreatic enzymes should be administered to facilitate the digestion of fats and proteins.
The third diagnosis is impaired airway clearance. In this scenario, Caitlynn presents with rhonchi and decreased breath sounds. Various strategies can be used to address this problem. Firstly, bronchodilators and mucolytics should be administered. Writing in 2020, Turcios indicated that bronchodilators play a significant role in reversing bronchospasm, whereas mucolytics lower the viscosity of mucus and other secretions to facilitate their expectoration. Secondly, in 2023, Martin reported that chest physiotherapy and postural drainage would help clear secretions.
The fourth diagnosis is the risk of infection. Writing in 2023, Martin reports that this can be addressed by initiating pharmacological approaches and upholding hygiene. In 2020, Turcios indicated that intravenous antibiotics should be initiated promptly. Furthermore, the patient should receive her influenza vaccine to prevent the exacerbation of her condition. Additionally, in 2023, Martin reported that healthcare providers and parents should uphold high standards of hygiene, such as proper handwashing.
Now, I would like to identify and explain an evidence-based practice model that enabled me to formulate the EBP care plan. Cullen, Hanrahan, Edmonds, Reisinger, and Wagner (writing in 2022) note that the Iowa Model of EBP focuses on the entire healthcare system during research and when making practice decisions. This model requires members of the interdisciplinary team to work in concert with patients when making clinical decisions. Additionally, in 2022, Cullen, Hanrahan, Edmonds, Reisinger, and Wagner reported that this model emphasizes pilot tests to evaluate the effectiveness of an initiative before it is implemented into practice. The first step of the model entails identifying a problem that requires a practice change. In this scenario, Caitlynn has cystic fibrosis. This disease has impacted the patient’s quality of life, as evidenced by ineffective airway clearance and impaired nutrition. As such, this problem requires a practice change. The second step determines whether or not the problem should be prioritized. As earlier stated, the patient’s cystic fibrosis is a priority because it has lowered her quality of life. The third step entails identifying key stakeholders to participate in the research. In this scenario, I worked in concert wit